My Loyal Followers

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Cahaya Hidayah Ramadhan


Ku mengharapkan Ramadhan kali ini penuh makna

Agar dapat ku tempuhi dengan sempurna

Selangkah demi selangkah

Setahun sudah pun berlalu

Masa yg pantas berlalu

Hingga tak terasa ku berada

Di bulan Ramadhan semula

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸❤...•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸.ஐ ♥


Salam Ramadhan Al Mubarak....

dan selamat menjalani ibadah puasa kepada semua

semoga mendapat rahmat dan
maghfirah daripada allah...


p/s: Selamat menaiki penerbangan Ramadhan AIR...

Bernombor 1430H..Kita akan terbang dengan ketinggian

30/30 hari ke atas permukaan haus dan lapar..Para

penumpang di wajibkan untuk memasang niat PUASA dan

menegakkan kursi SOLAT..saya selaku anak kapal bertugas


Monday, August 2, 2010


sometimes we will never getting what we want in this life

oke , maybe ada yang tak tahu lg yg ila da break up dgn naqiuddin . why did i made this decision ? it was so suddenly , yeahhh . i dunno why actually . but deep down in my heart , i know dat i can't love him just like the same way i love kholis. 

and maybe its true that i'm still loving him, eventhough it has been 7 months we broke up. sorry aqi, i'm so sorry . i am still waiting for him , but for now, i'll just let him be with abez . bia la ila tseksa sorg, i dont want to drag u along in my problem . u've help me a lot in going through all of this shit . i think u deserves someone better than me . plzzzz, i'm begging u. plz find someone else, instead of waiting for me . does it worth it for u to wait for someone who is waiting for another guy ? does it worth it? 

and plz dun said that there is no gurl that likes u.  u've a long way to go, and definitely, one day, that gurl will come searching for u. i wish u all the best aqi . thanks for everything. thanks for coming to perak. we spent a lot of time together sepanjang 4 mggu yg lepas . but it still doesn't enough for me to forget kholis . i'm so sorry . maafkan ila . 

lastly, do take care of urself & if kita ada jodoh, we'll be together again one day. Study smart oke !

I'm so JELOUS !

jelousy ? yeahhh , indeed !

kenapa perlu jeles ? sebabbbbbbbb .. saya nak jeles la . tak boleh ?

dulu time kita kapel sepanjang 2 tahun kita bersama, the only present yang lis pnah bagi dekat ila was the pink crytal bracelet . That was the only present that i received from u . And tu pun for my birthday present yang ke 18 . but her ? tak sampai pun setahun korg bersama, and she got a lot of things from u ?? sweater,shoes,u blanja dia pergi genting, and pink crytal bracelet also? sedangkan birthday dia lambat lagi ? why ? why ? i am so dissapointed on u kholis, reallyyyyyyyyy !
why must the pink crytal bracelet ? why ? tak de kaler lain ke lis nk bagi ?

yeahhhh , i'm so JELOUS ! so whatttt ?? 
kalo betul pun lis ckp, dlu time kita kapel, lis x dpt JPA lg, dats y lis tak dapat nak bagi sume tu dekat ila. Is it really true ? ila rasa kite pnah kapel time u got ur JPA for the first time . And that time, ada lis bagi pape kt ila ? mula-mula lis ckp nak blikan couple ring . then nak pergi genting sama-sama . ada pnah lis tunaikan janji-janji tu dlu ? x pnah pn . x kesampaian . and u gave her shoes, guna duit gaji u . time ila dlu ? ada pnah lis bagi ila pape gune duit gaji lis ? sorryy , tiba-tiba hari ni ila luahkan semua yang ila x puas hati dgn lis . u didn't being fair this time. and lastly , u promised me nak bg ila wallet kan? baru je lis promise ila, for my birthday present diz year . and u said, tggu JPA masok . and bila tu lis nak bagi ?  ila bukan la nak mintak-mintak , kang org ckp muka x malu lak . 

sorry again , this my unsatisfied feelings towards KHOLIS ABRAR . x de kaitan dengan sesiapa pun . saja nak luahkan perasaan .

p/s : sorry , koz da lama x berblogging . sibuk ya amat this sem . 
broadband ada pun, tp mls nak on9 . 
and to aqi : jgn emo-emo oke ?
we clashed because there is a reason behind all of this.
i'm so sorry . 

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